wedding photographer1A good time to start looking for a photographer and/or videographer is about nine to twelve months in advance. Begin with recommendations from family and friends, looking through albums for quality, style and formats that you like. Some criteria to keep in mind when interviewing photographers include:

  • Do the photos have a sharp, crisp quality?
  • Can they do retouching? What about special effects?
  • Will there be an extra charge for the proofs?
  • How long do they keep the negatives?
  • Does the quoted price include the finished album?
  • Do you feel confident with the person and feel that they will perform professionally, inconspicuously and deliver great pictures?
  • Check for a mix of shots that are technically good.
  • Look for the emotion the photo projects.
  • Is the person showing you the photos the person who will be shooting your wedding?
  • Discuss costs. Work out a clear payment schedule, and obtain an itemized agreement that lists everything included in the package and the total cost.
  • Can he arrive early to capture last-minute preparations, moments with family members, and the little events that make the day complete?
  • Will he design your album for you?